趙 祟良
許 中華 先生殿
This is Kuriiwa in Japan. The report became late and excused very much. After
be an early thing and visit Taiwan one month passed. You take care of it very very much during the Taiwan stay in the other day and thank you.
I ask to cause report easily, although it is the situation after that.
I am translating it into the English sentence by using translation software. Please acknowledge it, because there may be the part that translation is wrong, although confirmation does it tentatively.
So, returning home on May 4 I went to work to the job from 6th.
Although it was supposed to resume chemotherapy from 6th in an original plan there is the fatigue of a trip and canceled the drip on 6th, because the physical condition did not excel.
I began to take, the herbal medicine from 6th that asked to do the prescription for rest to dose.
Chemotherapy(5-FU) is resumed in 13th after the recipe, for 1 week. Also, to have become severe in the medicine that at present the control of pain is done the prescription MS contin (the medicine made of morphia) did the weight gain.
At present , the medicine that I am taking is the loxonin(NSDA’s :3locks/day 180mg)and MS contin (180mg/day) and the liquid medicine of morphia for rescue of
the painkiller.
Even the herbal medicine is taking and is changing it into the thing in therapy from this day.
I did not feel even the side effect of the anticancer drug much this time. There was not at all this time, although the nausea.
As the recent situation, It is likely to assumed to receive radiation treatment, with that
the shadow is seen to the hipbone, as I did the inspection of the bone of the whole body on June 3,because waist is painful so.
I have inspection of CT and abdomen the echo(supersonic waves) on June 7.
It is likely to assumed that I am going to decide a future treatment policy from the inspection result in this time.
There is the possibility that the kind of the anticancer drug, changes that it depends on case.
Future treatment dose rule details, communication.
The physical condition is fine by virtue of herbal medicine, although the progress of the sickness dose not stop readily.
Although the present situation is thought as the side effect of the morphia, urine is difficult to come out and I have backache.
I am 52~53Kg in weight. There is not change.
It is not unreasonable without feeling bitterness even the herbal medicine and also, because even quantity is few and be able to take it.
It is good to favor! except for it.
There was the feeling that the physical strength has fallen, after I switch it to the present anticancer drug, the such feeling that physical strength is recovering does, although it is each a little.
Such that even, which is able to recover 1st even early I make efforts. I am thinking that I want to visit it to Taiwan once again to do the report of complete recovery. Although it is easy over it was the report of a recent situation.
2004.May. 13th
From Kuriiwa